What’s new on the farm today? Nothing much. There is obviously one less llama in the paddock next to the house. Maybe it is a pen? Whichever, it held her for many years and is now without her. There is a white llama in that pen still. He is kind of new there. I wonder if he would do with the other llama where the goats are? Might that be a good place to put him and start preparing that pen for when the lavender spreads? The shelter would be a fine place to put garden tools for minding the lavender. It is a potential plan. It would free a little fencing and a couple of small gates as well as a medium sized one. There is potential for those to be used elsewhere. So, I might go that way, especially come summer. I foresee the animals moving across the street and the lavender taking over. But there will also want to be a place for logs and such to be dropped off till they can be processed if I am going forward strong with the wood. Let’s see how it all goes!
When I took the llama away, I put her on the back of the pasture across the street for sky burial. I had to pass the front pasture where the youngest llama lives. I took her by and let him see, just as I did with the last one, to let him see that they are gone. I think that may be important to do. I don’t have any way to know, but I suspect they see and know.
I mailed off that hairpin lace loom early this afternoon. It was exciting to see something I made moving on to another person, and I sure hope it is helpful to the buyer, and that they enjoy it. That’s two! I might have to start working on the designs for the next batch soon.
I waited all day for an Uber or Door Dash order, but nothing. Too cold to work outside or in the shop, especially. Those tools are cold to hold! Tomorrow is also meant to be cold, but snow is also meant to come, which is usually something that happens in warmer weather. Not warm! Just warmer than tomorrow is meant to start out.
Oh, I just remembered! I need to cut some wood for the stove very soon! We are getting low!