- Keeping Up with the Jones’s Neighbours
Monday morning. I am sat in front of the fire with a fresh coffee to hand, the lights off, and only the soft glow of the fire and the blue hues of morning light gently slipping through the windows to light me. Oh, and the harsh glow of the computer on my lap, ...
- Woodworking and Llama
It’s been a quiet time here on the farm these last few days. The warm winter continues, thought today and tomorrow are meant to be actually cold before it starts to warm back up again, bringing mid 40’s to the valley. There is still no accumulation of snow on the ground. Compare ...
- Preparing to Publish the Roadside Shopping
Today’s projects here include some time on the computer and some working with tools. It is a cloudy day and we are not getting any heat on the front porch, so whatever I do, with the bitterness of the cold outside, I’d prefer to work in the house. The next three days will ...
- Chandelier Making
I have made progress on this today. I also put a decent cut into my finger on my left had using it as a chisel stop. Not something I did on purpose. It was purely accidental. But making this chandelier is not an accident. It is a prototype. I ...
- Happy New Year 2025!
From my little farm to you, no matter who or where you are, I wish to extend the hopes of the New Year, and the wishes for good health and joy and growth all the year long. May you and yours find happiness and success in this year. And may its seasons offer ...
- Missed Markets, and Why
We have had a tumble and missed the market on Monday and will miss Saturday’s as well. Missus has had a nice little visit to the ER, then the ICU and is at the moment I am typing this working on getting downgraded to a regular ward in the hospital, then sent home. ...
- Preston Festival of Gifts
We went to the Market in the Senior Center today in Preston, initially under the misunderstanding that it only went till 1PM, so we were sure surprised when our daughter-in-law came in and corrected us on our close time when she said it went till 4PM. So, we got three hours more than we ...
- Candles and Lasers
We are getting new things ready for markets. Christmas markets are coming, and I know we are registered for one, and Missus just applied to another. There will be Christmas decorations to sell, and gifts or trinkets as well. So Missus and I have both been busy getting at our seperate products. ...
- Last Farmer’s Market
We went to the last Farmer’s Market of the season here in Preston. It was a fun night with all the Trick-Or treaters coming around. We also made more sales than ever before! It is not enough to live on, but we did finally feel like we fit in a little around ...
- Sundy Morning Update
It was a quiet day on the farm here in the valley yesterday as far as I know. We were gone by 8:00 AM. We took our daughters and grandson down to Hill Airforce Base to have a look around the museum there. It was amazing to see in person the B-52, ...