First Frost of 24-25!

And Some Problems with Our New Llamas!

I was out today feeding the animals when I went past the gourd plants and noticed there was something amiss with the leaves. They were blackened and shriveled up.

Oh yeah! August 29th, and we have had frost already! This in the place that had its last frost on the 17th of June this year, and the summer temps were quite warm!

The weather station recorded 0.5° F warmer than frost, but it sits nine feet or so above the ground, and around the front of the house. I guess that must have been enough to make a difference.

While I was feeding the animals I noticed a truck slow down in front of the house and honk its horn out of sight around the willow tree. I checked that out and found it was one of the new llamas we received late last night while we were out to the Farmer’s Market! I barely had time to see the new llamas at all yet, and suddenly one is out in front of our house. The llamas are called Kyle and Sheldon. The brown one, Sheldon, was the one in front of the house. Luckily one of the neighbors came up and stopped just in time to help me get Sheldon into the yard and caught. He was easy to lead and seems a very well worked llama. But I needed Missus to come out to help mind him while I set up his pen.

After getting Sheldon sorted out this side for a minute, I went over to see how Kyle is doing and found him in the canal. That required me getting Missus to help me get a rope on him and throw it to the other side of the canal so we could lead him away from the Russian Olive trees that are everywhere on the north side. We ended up walking him all the way down to the East Gate trying to find a place he could climb up, but never found one better than the embankment next to the gate. But that had deep mud under the water there, so it took me finally putting down the embankment ever so slightly with the tractor bucket, then pulling him WITH the tractor to get him up to the top of the embankment. This was about two hours of work, total. We did try not to pull him up with the tractor, after all.

We finished up pulling him out just as the alarm for me to get the girls sounded. Yeah, it was that kind of day!

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