A Pretty Strong Breeze

We had a pretty decent wind blow through here today, and it is worth noting. It hit a speed we have never recorded before. I think our old record was around 45 mph, but today we hit 48.4 miles an hour. Our trees looked like they were really taking it, but the willow out front danced like crazy. I went down the road to check on the llamas and every place there was trees, there were loads of twigs and small branches spread to the east of them.

I know it is not a big deal to what some folks get where they are, but for us, and with an uninterrupted straight run, it hits something fierce.

I know of a power line on the road up Maple Creek, but I have not been listening to police radio long enough to have caught any of the critical stuff that would have gone on before or soon after the storm blew by.

As storms go, it could have been a lot worse, and if we were elsewhere, it probably would have been. But beautiful Cache Valley only had this to offer, and I am quite happy this is extreme.

I am off for an early night in bed with the hope of waking up and getting to work in the shop first thing in the morning.

Meanwhile, there are over 900 fires in Canada, including the Jasper Fire. California is burning up by the Park Fire, which has burned over 500 square miles so far in three days and is currently consuming around 500 acres an hour. It has been excessively hot and dry and has really been different to previous years.

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