Happy New Year! There are a lot of things to be done on the farm this year. There are a lot of personal things to sort out too! This Holiday Season is coming to an end for our household, and to be honest, while we really enjoyed the family time, our health in this house…
Author: The Lord of The Manor
Wax Melter and Tractor Chores
So far the test on the wax melter has gone really good. It has melted the wax at a temperature close to what it says on the digital screen. I should put the thermometer in and see how it measures at the bottom, and see if that is accurate. It was off a bit when…
Wax, Wood, and Chimney Cleaning
This Christmas really was not about gifts for any of us here on the Farm. Instead, we all seemed to be about being together. As our oldest put it to me in a conversation we had to the side at one point, “it is about being with the people I care about.” We did gifts,…
New Wax Melter
Okay, I am trying again. This time I am giving a go with a Digi Boil to melt the wax for my candle business. I would like to see this one work and melt all the way up to the top-ish, so I can try dipping wicks to make dipped candles. It is a tall…
Christmas Report 2023
Time for an early winter’s nap. We had the kids around last night and this morning for our Christmas celebrations. They have grown so much and are learning the importance of family over gifts and that is very gratifying. Still, we shared gifts and time last night and today. They have gone now, and we…
Hydraulic Fluid & Etc.
I pushed it off till the end of the day, but I finally changed the hydraulic fluid in the tractor! I have been a bit nervous about it for some time. But when it came to actually doing it, it really was not hard at all. So that is done and seems to be working…
5AM Thoughts
The temperature took a dive last night into single digits. I am still fighting with the too recently split firewood burning a bit too cool for the weather. I mix it with wood that is drier and burn them together. The wet wood dries out and burns after the dry wood and is there to…
Cold and Not Cold
Well, what’s it been? Two weeks of this crap? We send the kids back to public school and our reward is everyone comes down with something. I took a trip into town today. First time I felt like going out anywhere other than where I absolutely had to for the last two weeks. It was…
First Snow 2023-4
This morning the snow is already on the ground the morning as I write this before sunup. The forecast calls for 8 inches over the weekend. I saw it out the front door a little bit ago, and now I am back in bed. I am still under the weather as far as the cold…
Wax, Warmth, and Colds
Wax working is on partially paused at the moment due to only one of my crocks keeping a temperature that does not burn the wax. My newest crock pot on its lowest setting has burned the daylights out of the block of wax I had put in it and turned it quite dark! That was…