Most of the products re listed and have photos on the shop now. I have a couple of more to do, but I can easily and happily call the shop open right now. There are candles and tool wax in it. There are candles mad in molds, six and nine inches tall. There are candles…
Dispatches From The Farm
Fixing Up the Back Yard
The other day I had some time around the house by myself, so I fired up the tractor and roamed around the back yard with the box blade hanging down to the ground, pulling along sticks that were left from the felling of the tree, and leveling down the high spots in the area around…
Missed Markets, and Why
We have had a tumble and missed the market on Monday and will miss Saturday’s as well. Missus has had a nice little visit to the ER, then the ICU and is at the moment I am typing this working on getting downgraded to a regular ward in the hospital, then sent home. But that…
Preston Festival of Gifts
We went to the Market in the Senior Center today in Preston, initially under the misunderstanding that it only went till 1PM, so we were sure surprised when our daughter-in-law came in and corrected us on our close time when she said it went till 4PM. So, we got three hours more than we thought…
Hairpin Lace Loom
Missus wanted about 20 hairpin lace looms to sell out of her shop. These are a simple tool consisting of two shafts held at a comfortable distance apart by two bits of wood at the ends. One end is fixed, and the other slides off, allowing a woven piece to come off when it is…
We Lost Aspen, the Llama Today
Over the last couple of days, I have noticed one of the llamas seemed a little aloof from his pen-mates. Nothing too serious, but he did not come last night at feeding time. Instead, he just sat over where he was and that is about it. Again, nothing really noticeable or different in his behavior….
The Story of a Christmas Candle and Stand
I have to begin with a piece of wood that has been milled from a locally harvested tree. Since I recover trees from a local dump, this means a pickup truck, a trailer, and a winch along with a chainsaw and various related tools. When I get a load of wood home, I then remove…
A Word of Warning on Goats
I am offering a somewhat trivial bit of advice on goats, and it is one you cannot tell about those born on your farm till they come along. But when shopping, be aware of the noises they make. When they are born, be aware of the noises they make. Here is what I mean. We…
Managing Our Trees
The tractor and I got to work on cleaning the tree debris up from the back yard yesterday. The wind kicked up and I could not take down the remaining trunk safely, so it was a fine time to get at the cleaning and taking out everything that was in the way already. This way,…
Tree Progress
It was a close call. I thought I could get a notch to one side, then cut the other and get it to fall to the west. It closed on the gap on the east. There was no way it was going the direction I needed it to. And any more cutting and I think…