Today I put together two classes in this website and set them up to sell two tickets each for them. One is a beeswax candle making class and the other…
Dispatches From The Farm
This is a test post
Preparing to Publish the Roadside Shopping
Today’s projects here include some time on the computer and some working with tools. It is a cloudy day and we are not getting any heat on the front porch,…
Chandelier Making
I have made progress on this today. I also put a decent cut into my finger on my left had using it as a chisel stop. Not something I did…
Happy New Year 2025!
From my little farm to you, no matter who or where you are, I wish to extend the hopes of the New Year, and the wishes for good health and…
Lost Hope
We got four of the ten chickens out of the coop today. All of the chickens have been living solely off what is put in their feed bowl up till…
The Online Farm Shop Updated and Open
Most of the products re listed and have photos on the shop now. I have a couple of more to do, but I can easily and happily call the shop…
Fixing Up the Back Yard
The other day I had some time around the house by myself, so I fired up the tractor and roamed around the back yard with the box blade hanging down…
Missed Markets, and Why
We have had a tumble and missed the market on Monday and will miss Saturday’s as well. Missus has had a nice little visit to the ER, then the ICU…
Preston Festival of Gifts
We went to the Market in the Senior Center today in Preston, initially under the misunderstanding that it only went till 1PM, so we were sure surprised when our daughter-in-law…