End of Summer Break

Summer officially ends three weeks into September, but the end of summer break is already here on this little farmstead. The wind kicked up last night and the temperature dropped, with today and tomorrow’s high expected to reach 76°F before we warm up a little again. All workable temperatures! On top of this, my wife’s sister flew back to the UK yesterday, and we have confirmation that she is landed and home safe now. That’s all good news, apart from her actual leaving. We all really enjoyed her stay! She’ll be missed till next time she can come out for a visit.

So, what does this all mean? I have a few projects I need to get going that I did not want to try to consume Sister’s time with while she was here. Just didn’t seem fair on her while she was only out for a couple of weeks, and I wanted to be sure she got her break from work while she had the chance. There was plenty for her to do here without putting her into a hole in the ground, or under a falling tree!

  • Chop down the poplar tree in the back yard
  • Septic system renewal
  • Chimney cleaning and repair
  • Patch roof in dining room where chimney has leaked
  • Saw all the logs in the yard down
  • Build the woodshed
  • Build fuel storage building
  • Build Market Stand for front of house
  • Organize tractor implements
  • Build yard fence
  • Clean the barn and bring in stuff from in front of it
  • Get the last of the firewood for winter
  • Get more sawlogs
  • Finish resetting the sawmill to new temp location, then start shed/platform for it
  • Clean my shop
  • Clean up the upstairs
  • Restart candlemaking
  • Service the tractor
  • Clean and finish the front porch
  • Make bedside table/cabinet
  • Paint and service the balcony door
  • Get winter hay
  • Wire in Christmas light outlet

I am sure there is a lot more that I am not remembering, or there are many things to do that are too small to bother listing, like cutting the herb garden, or finishing out the gourd growth for the year and drying them properly.

On top of all this, I need to get an income produced here as we are running to the end of our savings, and it is high time we get it figured out.

Our grandson has been with us since Friday afternoon. It was just easier all around if he stayed with us then went to the airport to drop his Aunty off. He is seven, and was perfectly aware of Aunty leaving, and broke down in tears as she was saying goodbye. It was such as sweet little moment that he got the others crying too. Happily, that didn’t affect me, as I was the one assigned with the driving. Anyway, his folks will be over to pick him up today around noon. That usually means a visit, and that is just fine and restful, which we could all use before we let loose the kraken tomorrow.

Finally, I have decided that if I am ever going to put anything up on the YouTube channel again, I need to get filming it very soon. How I will fit that in with actually doing everything on the list above is well beyond me! But for a laugh, I thought I’d mention it.

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