I spent yesterday waiting around for the delivery driving jobs to give me work. I got one in the evening with Door Dash. That was it. And that was to take a personal pizza two blocks from the shop to the house. It was an interesting one because the shop said the pizza that was ordered was on their website, but no longer one they had the ingredients for. They could not get the customer to answer a call to let her know. Then, as it turned out, the only thing that was different from one they could make was basil. I suggested she just make it and I’d explain it to the customer upon delivery. However, the app did not show me the delivery instructions till I got there, and only then I saw that it was to be left on the step and ‘don’t knock or ring the bell.’ I don’t understand. But whatever. Sadly, I rang the bell before I saw those instructions. So, we took off having left the pizza on the step. No tip there. Just five bucks for having drove all the way to town with my youngest daughter along to see how it works. Well, that’s not how it works. Anyway, that was that. Sorry to whomever the customer was that there was no basil. But it was otherwise the same. I’d of explained it to you had you answered the door, and the shop would have confirmed it with you had you answered the phone. All this for a personal sized pizza. I hope it was okay for you.
We had a visit from our youngest granddaughter yesterday, and her mother. That was great! We were glad to see them. Missus has a cold starting up, so did not hold the baby. I took her turn. What good times! I really enjoyed that! Them babies are sure cute!
My other great task was fixing a drainpipe for the washing machine. It had an ice block that I had to clear so we could do laundry. So, I got that sorted out and set to drain properly without freezing again. It might, but it shouldn’t. So the kids got started on clearing a lot of backed up laundry. I insisted on putting Missus’ through for her instead of doing mine first. She was grateful. I was glad to let everyone get theirs caught up. I look forward to getting mine through after Missus’ last load is done.
I ate Tater tots for a late super last night. I covered with fine chopped onion, then cheese and some pepperoni. I shared that with everyone. Nobody complained about that. I will this morning as I am feeling it on my blood sugar. Yuck! I need some meat! Get this balanced out. I never used to till I got on this diet last summer. I guess I was on a pretty bad course back then, so it’s best I feel like this now, and at least know how to control this. I’d have eaten it before and just gotten heavier, but now I know that this is not the kind of meal I should be eating, and certainly not for supper a couple of nights a week.
Our son who works in the oilfields is thinking of his escape from there, and into another company. So far, there is no promise of more work for him where he is at. He is getting the treatment, so he wants to get into a new place where there comes a little respect along with the paycheck. Meanwhile, Missus and I are both looking for work from here, and don’t find anything. So, we are not sure about the potential for work. I will have to get the firwood going here to see if I can pull in a bit of money from here. There is not a lot more I can do. Missus is now thinking on opening her little shop on Saturday’s because nobody ever stops here, so it is not worth opening it every day. It feels like casting a net into an empty lake. A lot of work for nothing. I don’t know why none of the neighbors will stop in. Too busy, I guess. Or the economy just isn’t what we are told it is. But I am with her that it is not worth opening most days for nobody. The hours are published online. They can stop by then, if they are interested.
This is not the most positive post. It is only this one aspect that has me bothered. Everything else is fine. I think I may be able to get some furniture built soon and start trading it out in the house. Some of the wood in the shop seems dry enough to work with. So, I might be giving that a try soon as the weather is set to warm up at the end of the coming week and maybe access to the shop will be assured. Or I can work on the front porch now that I have the top added to the Roman workbench.
A little more sleep now, then up for the day.