Little things such as proper light in the yard make a world of difference! It has been some eleven years that I have winted a light over the concrete driveway. Now, with proper electrics in the shop, I finally have done it. I got a farm style light, and put it up just under the peak of the gable on the front of the shop. I put in a 100W equivelant LED that throws light all the way over the driveway, and some more. The best bit, to me, is that it accomidates my desire to comply with the Dark Sky Initiative. I can see plenty in the drive, but the light doesn’t spoil my view of the stars above. Plus the fixture is a red, farm style. So we accomplished the ligth with a little bit of class. The only thing left to wire to the switch panel is an outlet for under the eaves to produce power for Christmas lights.
The light over the door has been a pleasant addition, but the light out on the driveway at the other end of the shop really illuminates one of the darkest and most vulnerable parts of the yard.
I know there are big problems in the world, but the little joys make little differences. And those add up!