It was not too hot today, so I got out to the mill and put the blade through some logs. There were three 6×6 inch by 9-ish foot posts against the granary when I started the day. Then I cut up another one to finish the corners of what I need for a woodshed. I then cut three 3×10 inch by nine-ish foot beams for the same woodshed. I’ll be double-checking my books before I decide where those are going to go. I also got a couple of four-quarter boards out of the wood, but they don’t have a straight edge, so they will need to be used for spares or small pieces in some project sometime.

After adding the fourth post to the collection I have a complete set of corners for a woodshed.
Incidentally, I have some spindles on order for the riding lawnmower, which ought to improve the shape of the yard. For now, the grass and weeds are getting a bit long.

After it got too hot to carry on, I leaned the wood I had finished for the woodshed next to the granary and went in for a needed break.
I may need thicker beams for the outsides of the woodshed at the tops of the posts. No worries. There are still several logs ready. Ideally, I would like to build a woodshed in the autumn, and load it up with enough wood to hold us through three or four months of winter, then add another shed or two next summer. This would be a first build for me, and I do have several other structures I could use, such as a place to hold the tractor implements as a sort of roofed rack. I’d also like to add a free-standing chicken coop to the farm! All need to be practice before I put together a fun structure as a work-shed or something of the sort. I have no building experience, so this is all a learning curve for me!