I did some more turnings today. I wanted to try tops out, and a finial, and that’s what I did. The tops are not great. I can get the short fat one to spin sometimes. The other always spins on its head. It’s a start! I will work on it. At the moment I am trying cuts and letting the bad workmanship lead me. I need to get deliberate with my work, and make cuts without making mistakes. Then I can lead the results. That is where the finial comes in, a bit. It is about making deliberate cuts so that the piece does not fail while working on it. And it did not.

I know we are throwing the tops right. I looked it up in the University of YouTube. I had a good demonstration complete with slow-mo, by a nine year old kid. We are doing what he showed in his video!

You know, I don’t know why the pictures uploaded the way they did. I took photos of the complete objects. I guess this is a new fault in the web-works to work my head around. Never mind the campaign propaganda on the table under the finial. I will probably vote for the other guy, whoever he is.
I think there are definitely a couple of things to get still. Sharpening wheels for the grinder, a good light for the turning station, especially if I am going to carry on with any fine work, and finally, a set of proper stones for all the rest of the workshop, with one for the turning station thrown in for good measure. I am pretty sure at that point I am pretty well covered on the turning station tools. At least for now. I can worry about finer tools to turn with later. I have a good enough set to get started on, and to learn to take care of, and to learn to adjust my grind if need be. Though, I don’t know if it need be, as everyone talks about 40 degree grinds down at YouTube University.
I’ll probably give myself some time on the lathe tomorrow. Monday is a day for some chores. I have to go get some corn from a neighbor who offered it on the stalks. It is a hand loading job. It may rain on Monday, according to the forecast, though that is seldom correct. But tomorrow is meant to be nice.
I sussed out the problem with the photos! I accidentally uploaded the copies Instagram made when I posted them to the farm account! Of course!