Preston Farmer’s Market: July 31, 2024

Today we got an e-mail accepting us to the Preston Farmer’s Market. It is our first market and will be a learning experience for us. We will be selling weaving tools, bookmarks, prints, and various other items as well as beeswax candles and soy candles to start off with. We are going to see what sells, and get ideas what else from our goods we should make for the next one. We will also advertise classes and tutorials for customers, and custom made items.

I ordered a few items we need to run a proper market stall from Amazon, including a couple of batteries for power on site, and a cooler, but that looks like it will arrive in a month. We are planning on working lots of markets as time goes on, so I tried to future-proof with the items ordered, while catching decent prices, especially on an Amazon sale. We have a basic setup to start with, but I think we will get a decent stall together.

I have also set up the blog to sort posts about the farmer’s markets and put them on a separate menu here on the site where I expect to put in reports from markets we have visited and upcoming market events. In other words, watch this space!

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