Some Vehicle Maintenance

Yesterday I changed the oil on the truck, charged the A/C on it, the little truck, and the tractor. I filled wiper fluids and checked brakes and so on. But the big adventure was putting the rear shocks on the big truck. You see, I was quoted $900 for low end shocks on the whole truck. That was at the cheap place. So, I looked up some Monroe shocks on Amazon and ordered them for $165, making them not the cheapest shocks at all. Not like what I was promised at the repair shop. There was a bit of faffing around to reach and get the torque required, but the shocks on the truck require turning two bolts each. Two. That is eight bolts on the whole truck! And the gut wanted $900 for the job! At a place where he has a lift and the right tools and could do it in ten minutes per wheel! What a joke!

Today is firewood day. Our son is coming over in about an hour to go with me to get what we can. I hope the tree guys have got down whatever has come apart in the wind. I have some 15 sawlogs out back now and would still like to add some more. There is a lot to build around here. To be fair, I need a lot of firewood still.

I got the gourd tunnel built, finally. I’ll do a better job at it next year. It’s okay now. It could be a bit better. But it is in, and I have planted the seeds. Hopefully it will produce some decent gourds for Missus to sell in her shop. I put in a few different types of seeds. I also put in some wildflower seeds, and I laid in some corn seeds nearby. It’s just decorative corn. Hopefully that will help come Thanksgiving time. Maybe a little extra money if we can sell them!

There is loads to do today, so I best go get ready for some work!

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