The Woodshop & A Firewood Day

My favorite place to be is in the woodshop.  I could be cleaning up, figuring out there is no hood organization system in there, making shavings, or simply burning them.  For me time, it is my own space. 

Today is Tuesday. We could not go get firewood yesterday, so we went out to get it today. There was plenty to choose from, and why I call it a firewood day is unknown even to me. I go out, I select from the wood at the pile, and I always pick first a sawlog or three. Firewood comes in on top after that. But by the time a huge log is on the trailer, there is a bit of a load there that cannot be topped up with too much more weight. So, we grab a little firewood, and we get going. The firewood pile could be doing a bit better.

The sawlog, however, are fantastic, and I think I could build a decent woodshed without worrying about running out too soon. I think I could build a woodshed tomorrow if I had the time. I don’t. I do need to get the sawing done. To do that, I will first have to make some bolsters and stickers for proper stacking.

After we got home and got the wood unloaded today, I put the final bits of roof on the rabbit hutches. I put the panels upside-down because the bottoms are white, and the tops are brown. With it being summer, I would rather they be cooler. I sure don’t have the time to repaint them.

If I am going to get sawyering, I will have to get together a list of how many posts and beams I need, and then cut the rest into purlins and boards. Any excess boards can go to the furniture shop. That’s something for the spare time on breaks tomorrow. The rest is listed in my planner and will keep me busy for days yet to come. Enough for now.

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