Three for the Mill, One for the Stove

We went out yesterday to get firewood again. We found the place organized and the long logs all laid out where they were actually easy to get to. We could not believe it. Someone put some real effort into the back quarter of the lot. I could even back up to the ends of many of the logs and could easily get the logs into the trailer. So, we picked up three decent sawlogs and one with a big crack down it that will suit the woodstove nicely when it is cut down to rounds and split. We did not spend a lot of time down at the log lot yesterday at all.

Back at home the unload went easy too. Only four long logs to grab with the tractor and they grabbed pretty easily. None of them felt overly heavy, so I do have to wonder about how solid they are in the middle, or if they all have stated to rot a little? But tapping them with a steel pipe revealed that the ones I picked for the sawmill were solid sounding and the one for the stove sounded hollow-ish in the middle. Of course, the truth will be revealed when I get to open them all up.

Before leaving for the wood lot, I aired up the tires on the trailer and brought them up about 20 pounds each to where they belong. Oops! They were down to 30 and needed to be at 50 pounds of pressure. Everything is up to scruff now on the truck and trailer, so there should be even wear and safer riding all around.

Today we are going to be up in town a bit running some errands for Missus. If I get a chance I might give the front shocks a try again. There is a plastic casing around the top of the shocks, but I wonder if I can grab them tight enough with a pipe wrench to stop them spinning while turning the top nut to undo them to take them out. I think if I can get enough of a grip to stop them against the rust on the bolt, I can easily get those shocks changed and the truck riding like new again. More or less. Is that a laugh? Probably!

I put fans up in the kid’s room yesterday, so they have some cooling effect while they sleep. It is not yet the hottest part of the year, but that is not stopping it from being pretty hot. Everyone is going to need the fan this year! Well, that’s how it feels to me, anyway. We are told that the La Nina is setting up for winter and it is meant to be a cold one; probably snowy. Suits me just fine. It would be nice to get a bit of a break from all the weather-related end of the world doom and gloom.

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