Every year around this time we get a snowfall that puts a base down for the winter and will not vanish off again till spring. That is likely what’s falling…
Dispatches From The Farm
Emptied the Trailer
Yesterday was momentous! I got the trailer hooked up to the truck and went down to the thrift store, only to remember then that the thrift store here is not…
December 5th, 2021
Today we wrapped presents for Christmas and cleaned up that mess. Missus was up from 5Am and took a nap after we finished. That is when things took a slightly…
Yard Rearrangement
Today was pretty warm for the second day of December. It was so nice that I went out and worked on rearranging the garden spaces to ready them for next…
We Took Down the Listing
Yesterday I went into town and took care of several errands, such as putting in a warranty request to get the clothes dryer fixed, and picking up my larger chainsaw…
Final Run Till Christmas!
With the Thanksgiving weekend over, we are on the final run till Christmas, then New Year’s, and the long drag through winter. In January the seed catalogues will begin to…
I have not been turning as much lately, not because I don’t still love it. I absolutely do! Especially as I have been learning to control the tools, especially the…
Weather Reporting Fault
The Weather Station is working just fine, but the computer that transfers the data from the station to the Internet reported a fault. There were clusters going bad on the…
Where Have I Been The Past Few Days?
Over the last couple of days I have been focused on making sure of the girls in their home schooling, and generally either hiding from the rain on rainy days,…
Firewood To Furniture
Today I split firewood for about an hour, then decided I would be having a lot more fun if I were to take a piece of poplar I split into…