About Three Inches of Snow

If I had to guess, I would say we had about three inches of snowfall. But! But that came down with the wind going 15 to 20 miles an hour for quite some time. Result? Drifts and negated work. I have been keeping a clear path through the orchard so we can walk the dogs. Last night I cleared it, then we walked the dogs an hour later, and we could not see where the snow had been cleared. There is tall grass at the base of that fence that is impossible to get at with the strimmer in the summer without killing the string, and that grass has caused enough of a block to drift the snow in behind it something fierce. The borrow pit going east from our house appears to be gone now, too. It is flat across it as if it were not even there.

I have gotten up to some mischief lately. I ordered a workbench for proper woodworking, and I ordered a little camera that should be pretty decent for uploading to YouTube. I’d like to get some videos up and see if I can get to the point of monetization, and even get enough to pay back the camera. Maybe it will go somewhere from there, too. But if not, I will at least have a good tool for capturing our kids on video with from time to time, so we have memories. At this age, I already can see I’ll need the help when I am older!

I need to watch our white female llama going forward. I noticed while out feeding her yesterday that as she approached the place I put the food in, she did so with an awkward walk. It reminded me of Mystique, our oldest currant llama, with arthritis in her hips. I hope she is not going to have it too. And if she is, then she definitely needs to be avoided at breeding time.

There is a fire in the fireplace, and the whole family is in two rooms that are open to each other, so we are all together. The theme for today is to rest and relax. That quite suits me before we get back to the homeschooling schedule tomorrow.