Cold and Not Cold

Well, what’s it been? Two weeks of this crap? We send the kids back to public school and our reward is everyone comes down with something. I took a trip into town today. First time I felt like going out anywhere other than where I absolutely had to for the last two weeks. It was a bit of the usual. “Hi there, how are you?” Honest answers got responses that “it’s going around.” Of course. But the tales I am told is that there are people going on antibiotics and the like to try to clear it, and that some are throwing up. We have not had it that bad here, so I am thrilled about that. But everyone has a nose that won’t go and a cough that won’t stop. My cough is spurred on by the stupidest thing at the moment. It is just a light click in the lungs. Nothing severe anymore. That’s all gone. But I get this little click, and it irritates my lungs and I go off coughing. I am sure that some of it is also an infection in one of my sinuses. I picked up hay and breathed in a tiny bit of alfalfa on the right side, and have been giving up what looks like infection ever since. Well, that is more than enough of the morbid details.

I have some parts coming tomorrow to do a full service on the tractor. It needs a 400-hour service. Time to change just about everything. How exciting! How expensive. I got some work done in the trailer for Missus today as I had promised her tomorrow. If that is getting interfered with, I wanted to get done her necessities.

I leave in 45 minutes to meet the kids at their bus stop. At least they are going to school.

I am concerned about the amount of wood we have piled up for winter. But is it usually this warm in December? I was out without a coat today and really felt fine. It is meant to be as warm again tomorrow. It will be winter in a couple of weeks, but this is a warm late autumn. It is 45F out right now. Seems a bit too warm for this particular time of the year. But things have been goofy all around lately where anecdotal weather is concerned, which is why I put in these anecdotes. They are entered here as a reference. Then I can check back and see how things were on particular days based on how I felt about them, and not just the hard numbers. Those are always available from my weather station.

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