I did not sleep well last night. I was too busy thinking up things to worry about! Hopefully tonight will go better. Missus is hard at work this week and…
Dispatches From The Farm
Last Night It Rained
I woke up to a couple of puddles this morning; a sight I have not seen in such a long time! I checked the weather station just a few minutes…
Bye Big Pig
Big Pig was dead in her pen this morning. She is going to be missed quite a lot around here. She was a big, 400 pound puppy, loveable and trusting….
Some Evening Photography
I took a short walk this evening and took a few photos around the yard. Golden Hour is always a great time to shoot. I thought I would share what…
This Week On The Farm
This week we got some work done while the weather was cool. We did not do any specific projects, just some general work here. I suffered some sciatic pains, so…
Giving Up On The War Against The Grass
We are uniquely cursed here on our place. We have grass growing here that I cannot remember the name of, but it is a blended type that when cut short…
Poorly Doeling
One of the young does is having a rough start of it in the pen with the others. I noticed a couple of days ago that she was more mellow…
The Day of Rest
The last few days Missus has been off work, and wanting to get some things done in the garden. We did. We planted the Gothic Garden along the side of…
Llama Shearing; Flossy & Shire
Well, it is that time of year again. It is time to get the llamas out of the pen and onto pasture, away from the hay and on fresh grass….
New Baby Goats, Again!
I woke up this morning to learn that we have two new baby goats from the other mother. I would guess they were born early in the morning, maybe just…