The Llamas Looked Alert

The llamas looked alert this morning, so I started watching, thinking maybe the neighbor’s horses got into our field, but I cannot see well below the canal, and the weeds growing up along the canal path this year. Then a human head bobbed along, and it did not look right to be the neighbor. I had a meeting set to start on Zoom for my daughter’s school, and did not have time to chase a trespasser! So I went upstairs to see if I could see better from the balcony. From there I noticed Sverro’s truck parked at the corner of the field on the other side of ours, so figured he has lost control of one of his animals while picking them up. Sverro is the man who leases the field next door to ours on the other side.

Sverro is pretty good about being aware of our animals, so I did not worry about him. But I did talk my eight year old through what the llamas were doing and how I was able to tell there was something amiss on the field. I suggested to her that I would normally have to go now to chase off a trespasser.

To that, she replied, “Let him get his animal off the field first, then go chase him off.”

“I don’t have to worry about the way you think,” I told her. “You are just fine!”