The Day of Rest

The last few days Missus has been off work, and wanting to get some things done in the garden. We did. We planted the Gothic Garden along the side of the drive to the back yard, and she did the planting she wanted done in her herb garden. I helped with digging and paying plastic, and the like. I also did the run to the store to get lots of mulch, which meant lifting and loading there. It has been a ton of work, and then she went back to work yesterday, and I got to go get animal feed, which meant more lifting and loading. The last few days have taken their toll. I made Missus her breakfast this morning, and refreshed the coffee maker, and now, I think there is a day of rest warranted; after the morning chores are done, of course! I just hope I still feel like resting it all off after morning chores. Usually that gets me going for the day, and I want to get things done.

There is some paperwork that could do with updating on the computer. Maybe I can talk myself into doing that, and keeping off my feet for a bit. I have a hankering to go buy stuff for the farm, such as gates and feeders and new watering solutions, but if I do that, I will be setting our finances a bit behind, and I will have more work to do. It could do with waiting to see where we are next payday! So focusing on getting our pricing up to date on our feed order sheets for the local feed supply would do me some good and help me better estimate the costs of buying feed.

I bought feed yesterday, and the cost for all of it was nearly $100 higher than it has been in the past. I was caught a bit off guard with that. Our animals cost us $375 for a month of feed just this month alone. That is not factoring in hay or electricity on their safety lighting, or water, or new equipment & repairs or anything like that. I have to warn you that if you are a new homesteader, this is where the path of Chicken Math leads you!

Well, I have got to have the day off! There is nothing else to it! I need to rest this old body of mine. I just need to fix the water delivery tank so I can top up water for some animals that are far away on the farm, and I have to get a gate in, and I have to replace the posts the gate will be mounted to, and I have to get that paperwork up to date, and I could do with making a list of what things I want properly sorted out before winter comes. And maybe if I have time, I could get the oil changed in the truck, sort out the chainsaws ready for cutting, then get the long firewood cut down to size.

I have my doubts about this day of rest.