Yard Rearrangement

Today was pretty warm for the second day of December. It was so nice that I went out and worked on rearranging the garden spaces to ready them for next year. If we are staying here, we are going to change some things around. one specific change will be to put a driveway around the west side of the property to give better access to the shed/barn and make it more usable than it currently is. The drive will come around back, and back out the center drive, or when entering through the center, should allow the trailer to back easily up to the barn, then exit through the west gate. It is not as garden focused, but it will allow us to raise animals and hopefully grow flowers for Missus. The goal will be to grow less food and more creative material.

I’d like to have the llamas moved soon. There is little feed left, and it would be great to get the girls over this side of the street and allow the males and the horse to roam the entire field. If it stays as warm and dry as it has been, there should be no problem for them to access the grass on the back pasture.

I wanted to get the goats up to the front pen ready for sale, but I had a plenty busy day today, and have not got to it. I split one of the llama pens, removed several metal posts and almost as many well placed in wood posts. We used a high lift jack to pull everything out. It was a good chance for our youngest to help out and show off how strong she is!

I think there will be better parking for the trailers we have. The barn will have the garden tools in it, along with some other things. I’d like to say we will be growing things across the street, but the irrigation shares are currently $9,000 each. WE could do with ten shares, if we are to look into the future to when the canal goes underground, which may be within the next two to three years, as I have heard it on the grapevine. It will be cheaper to drill a well!

Our two dogs are training to use the outdoors to go to the bathroom. It is not going perfectly, but they are getting the picture. It’s not bad for their age. We are using the orchard as a space to walk them in. Speaking of walking the dogs, it is almost bedtime, and it is time to walk them now.